Corneal Abrasion

What Is Corneal Abrasion?

Corneal abrasion is a common eye injury involving a scratch or scrape on the cornea’s surface — the outermost portion of the eye. These abrasions can happen in several different ways, ranging from sports injuries to the occasional accidental eye scratching.

What Causes Corneal Abrasion?

Corneal abrasions and scratches can happen in several ways, including accidents and sports injuries. A common cause is simply rubbing your eyes too hard and scratching the cornea with your fingernail. You may suffer a corneal abrasion if you do any of the following:

  • Poke your eye with something
  • Get chemicals in your eye
  • Get dirt or sand or a foreign matter in your eye
  • Rub your eye too roughly
  • Overwear your contact lenses
  • Wear poor-fitting or dirty contact lenses
  • Get a particular type of eye infection
  • Have surgery without proper eye protection
  • Play sports or engage in high-risk physical activity without safety eyewear

The Symptoms of Corneal Abrasion

Corneal abrasion symptoms can vary from person to person, but symptoms are typical of what one would imagine if they scratched your eye. Including corneal abrasion, blurry vision, and mild to moderate symptoms of corneal abrasion symptoms can include the following:

  • Sensitivity to light
  • Pain or burning in the eye
  • Tearing or redness
  • Blurry or hazy vision
  • Feeling of having something stuck in your eye
  • Feeling of having sand or grit in your eye

We Offer Corneal Abrasion Treatment Options

There are several treatment options for addressing corneal abrasions, all of which depend on the severity and location of the abrasion itself. Your ophthalmologist will examine your eye to determine the ideal approach. Wearing an eye patch may be recommended, protecting the eye and limiting blinking that may worsen the abrasion. Moisturizing eye drops for corneal abrasion can often be used to soothe the eye and provide a protective barrier. Your ophthalmologist may also prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointment to prevent an eye infection. In some cases, a special contact lens may be utilized to minimize pain and encourage faster healing. Corneal abrasion healing time can vary, with more minor abrasions taking only a few days and larger scrapes taking one to two weeks to heal fully.

Contact Us Today for Corneal Abrasion Treatment

Corneal abrasions may not be as severe as other eye issues, but it’s still recommended to have a doctor examine and recommend treatment for faster healing. Early treatment can help prevent the injury from worsening and becoming an entirely different issue altogether. If you’ve recently suffered a corneal abrasion, the Dean McGee Eye Institute doctors can help. We’d love to provide you or your loved one with effective relief and quicker healing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


Corneal Abrasion Treatment at Dean McGee Eye Institute

Corneal abrasions may not be as serious as other eye issues, but it’s still recommended to have a doctor examine and recommend treatment for faster healing. Early treatment can help prevent the injury from worsening and becoming an entirely different issue altogether.
If you’ve recently suffered a corneal abrasion, the doctors at the Dean McGee Eye Institute can help! Call 405.271.1095 or 800.787.9017 today to make an appointment. We’d love to provide you or your loved one with effective relief and quicker healing.

Patient Testimonials

I was sent to the Dean McGee in an emergency in Sept 2015 with corneal trauma. Every person I met was nothing but helpful and went above and beyond to make sure I was helped and the attentiveness was amazing. Dr. Rhea and her team were amazing and very friendly. I have had to continue to go with the follow up of a corneal transplant and then having to have another one on May 2017 for reason that were untreatable. Dr Rhea was very informative and always available when needed. The surgical team was also amazing. They were there for me to feel comfortable and understand what would happen during surgery. I highly recommend the Dean McGee Clinic to anyone who is having difficulties with their eyes. Thank You.

Ruslyn B.